Results (best 1 of 2)
Rally Badger
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 DIESEL MOTOR DAVE 10/6:05.672 10/6:05.672 (2) 10/6:06.512 (1) 0 : 10/6:06.512 0 : 10/6:05.672
2 COREY MCKENZIE 10/6:33.068 10/6:33.068 (2) 9/6:05.751 (1) 0 : 9/6:05.751 0 : 10/6:33.068
3 RUSSELL ABAN 9/6:22.049 9/6:22.049 (2) 9/6:38.913 (1) 0 : 9/6:38.913 0 : 9/6:22.049
4 RC MISSDO 9/6:24.799 9/6:24.799 (1) 9/6:33.649 (2) 0 : 9/6:24.799 0 : 9/6:33.649
5 ROB BULL 9/6:35.303 9/6:35.303 (1) 6/5:21.441 (2) 0 : 9/6:35.303 0 : 6/5:21.441
6 JIM MAYER 9/6:40.779 9/6:40.779 (2) 9/6:42.531 (1) 0 : 9/6:42.531 0 : 9/6:40.779
7 JEREMIAH SHELLNUT 0/0.000 0/0.000 (1) 0/0.000 (2) 0 : 0/0.000 0 : 0/0.000
Rally Cheatah
Tie Breaker: Best Individual Result
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
# Driver Result Tie Breaker Round 1 Round 2
1 JON RIMES 11/6:14.512 11/6:14.512 (1) 11/6:25.114 (2) 0 : 11/6:14.512 0 : 11/6:25.114
2 THE ONLY 1 FILMS 11/6:15.307 11/6:15.307 (1) 11/6:18.812 (2) 0 : 11/6:15.307 0 : 11/6:18.812
3 TOPHER KAZ 11/6:24.297 11/6:24.297 (2) 5/4:33.965 (1) 0 : 5/4:33.965 0 : 11/6:24.297
4 TOM MCKAY 11/6:25.956 11/6:25.956 (2) 10/6:03.596 (1) 0 : 10/6:03.596 0 : 11/6:25.956
5 MARK COLLINS 11/6:32.859 11/6:32.859 (1) 10/5:58.623 (2) 0 : 11/6:32.859 0 : 10/5:58.623
6 LEVI MONAHAN 10/6:00.894 10/6:00.894 (2) 10/6:07.992 (1) 0 : 10/6:07.992 0 : 10/6:00.894
7 TJ MCKAY 10/6:14.531 10/6:14.531 (2) 8/6:07.817 (1) 0 : 8/6:07.817 0 : 10/6:14.531
8 JEREMY ARCHER 10/6:17.272 10/6:17.272 (2) 5/6:05.765 (1) 0 : 5/6:05.765 0 : 10/6:17.272
9 JEREMY Z 10/6:18.421 10/6:18.421 (2) 10/6:26.714 (1) 0 : 10/6:26.714 0 : 10/6:18.421
10 RATFINK 10/6:22.132 10/6:22.132 (1) 10/6:28.128 (2) 0 : 10/6:22.132 0 : 10/6:28.128
11 P C 9/6:06.078 9/6:06.078 (1) 8/6:15.472 (2) 0 : 9/6:06.078 0 : 8/6:15.472
12 SCOBIE 8/6:15.294 8/6:15.294 (2) DQ 0 : DQ 0 : 8/6:15.294
13 LARRY ZABICKI 7/6:17.332 7/6:17.332 (2) 7/6:19.469 (1) 0 : 7/6:19.469 0 : 7/6:17.332
14 ANGELA KAZ 7/6:42.522 7/6:42.522 (2) 0/0.000 (1) 0 : 0/0.000 0 : 7/6:42.522
15 JEREMIAH SHELLNUT 6/5:57.880 6/5:57.880 (1) 3/4:21.893 (2) 0 : 6/5:57.880 0 : 3/4:21.893
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